We face a greater threat to our rights, persons, and property from the alleged counter-measures to the Chicom Pandemic (Covid-19) than from the virus itself. The totalitarianism being justified in the name of “safety” will not go away and will lead to many lost lives and a dramatic loss of quality of life and freedom. The same authorities who FUNDED the “gain of function research” that turned a bat virus into a deadly and mutating virus are using the chaos they created as a justification for the totalitarian dreams they have long harbored.
The Coronareich must be defied. Totalitarianism cannot thrive in an environment of active resistance. Not defying the Coronareich regimen is basically admitting that you deserve the chains being wrapped around you. Just say no. Risk all, many WILL suffer and be deprived of life, liberty, and wealth but the fight is for the future and if we step up now then our progeny won’t grow up on a Coronareich Dictatorship.
Today in America, the Democratic Party is the leading proponent of this totalitarianism, but we must be on guard and not assume the Republicans are the polar opposite or the freedom alternative. The Republicans are led by unscrupulous collaborators who imagine on their fetid minds that the totalitarianism being pursued by Democrats won’t be used against them personally.
Is it nutty and outlandish or fringe to use terms like the coronareich or the corpostate and the totalitarianism of the Democratic Party to describe what is actually happening now? Anyone who cannot or will not see this as factual is ignorant and foolish and their lack of an energetic defense of freedom is a betrayal both to America’s founders and our collective progeny.
We need to create a massive freedom movement that can mobilize millions of people at any time for things like protests, counter-protests, protection of people from Democratic paid rioters, boycotts buycotts, and more. We need to create a virtual to local activist corps with chapters in every US Congressional District and every County or Parish.
Just as the “war on terror” resulted in the totalitarian “Patriot Act”, led by Republicans, and that war suffered ignominious defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan, so too the Coronareich won’t stop the pandemic but will only result in more totalitarian INTOLERABLE ACTS. The goal is your serfdom, the suppressing of your human dignity and human rights and the denial of your human flourishing through the plundering of the fruits of your labors.
The end game of the coronareich is for every country to be a totalitarian state of some kind and for the world at large to be run as a satrapy of the global corporate ruling class. Understand that the very, very rich and the ruling class in corporate and government circles are actively engaged in a now collaborative effort to end freedom and introduce modern serfdom to most all human beings. Remember, six corporations control 90% of all US news and media and most all trade and commerce is controlled through the services and platforms of less than a dozen mega corporations whose leaders are all totalitarian loons.
The time for open communication and collaboration using the internet controlled by the ruling class is running out. The time when this internet will ALLOW anything like this to be said openly is drawing to a close.
The Coronareich has zero, nothing, nada, to do with health or safety or defeating a virus funded by Fauci and mishandled by the CCP. It is 100% about total control and domination over your life and plundering the fruits of your labor so billionaire thugs like Bezos can spend billions to go into space.
We need YOU to help fund our efforts to build a country-wide network of autonomous local Freedomist chapter groups who will work to transform their communities and counties into Freedom Sanctuaries that will defy the Coronareich regime being created by the filthy rich few at the hands of the working majority. Subscribe today!
As Freedomists we PLEDGE to uphold the rights, persons, and property of our fellow citizens against all hazards, foreign and domestic, official or unofficial, by all legal and ethical means but with our whole being and sacred honor and courageous determination. This website is the start of a country-wide movement, led by LOCAL autonomous but interdependent chapter groups as the vanguard of liberty in a land governed by a totalitarian ruling class who have no moral code other than their own aggrandizement.
TLDR: Climate change frauds are freedom deniers and don’t care about climate change, because the ONLY way to stop catastrophic climate change is through a freedom embracing approach at the individual and local scale.
Bernie Sanders is a totalitarian fraud who uses climate change to gain power while not doing anything to substantively reduce the human impact on the earth.
The real choice is between freedom and the dictatorship he desires. Bernie doesn’t give a crap about science or climate change. If people like him can’t offer house affordable and house portable solutions that give food and energy independence to each individual, family, and community than their alleged concern about climate change is a fraud. It’s just another justification for dictatorship, which is their end goal.
If you are reading this and haven’t heard of house affordable, house portable, personal energy and food independence, local autonomy, sustainability is freedom, and mutual self-reliance through local sustainability, then know this: the people telling you they care about climate change are LYING.
Freedomists do recognize that humanity is adversely impacting the natural world and that potentially catastrophic climate change is mainly caused by human activity. Our solutions are to, like our opponents, harness this crisis to advance our agenda.
But we are honest about this freedom agenda, whereas our opponents are liars about their authoritarianism!
Our desire is truly to dramatically reduce or eliminate the net negative impact of human activity on the natural world and the climate. We recognize that a freedom-based solution that empowers the individual, families, and communities is the ONLY path to progress. Our opponents claim to want to reduce negative impacts from human activity, but their reliance on top-down structures and their refusal to seriously stop the local to federal regulatory obstacles that inhibit the creation of house portable and house affordable solutions belies their claims. In short, they desire power, not a better natural environment without catastrophic climate change.
We recognize that if we promote individual, household, and community mutual self-reliance through sustainability and both energy and food independence that we will eliminate most all negative impacts through human activity. We recognize that if governments promote house portable and house affordable solutions as well as local microfacturing using local renewable or recyclable materials that we can expand freedom, grow prosperity, reduce the overreach of politics in our lives, and actually halt almost all negative human impacts on the natural world.
When the One Big System (OBS) “solution” fails, freedom deniers like Bernie Sanders will try to blame “climate change deniers” to justify further assaults on freedom!
America cannot remain the world’s predominant freedom commonwealth uniquely blessed by God if our people are willing to follow a godless ruling class and their prescriptions, which violate human nature, the laws of Creation, and God’s standards of righteousness and justice. These things may be protected by law, but they cannot be mandated by law, they either come voluntarily from the heart or they will eventually be involuntarily outlawed. A society of people who willingly embrace depravity and authoritarianism as the norm will never tolerate anything other than total submission.
Imagining that we can, or should, change the fundamentals of human nature in how we create things like marriage, family, and community is a deadly and foolish undertaking that will surely lead to ruin. But the majority of Americans are clearly willing to submit ir tolerate leaders and people with a public trust who do these very things and who desire to shun, shame, and outlaw those who refuse to go along with their godless social, cultural, and economic norms.
What then follows if America as a country ceases to be a commonwealth of freedom and devolves into a savage, alt gendered, totalitarian state where only a few corporate and political shot-callers control politics and where politics controls everything else? What happens is that God raises up new peoples and new countries to fulfill that which America, as a whole country, first ceased to defend and then began to attack.
We can foresee a day, unless the current path is changed, when those who love things like freedom founded upon virtue, liberty, and independence will be a persecuted minority who can only survive through parallel structures that have no dependency to the godless, anti-freedom structures which then dominate this land. But those parallel structures can emerge and, with God’s protection and provision, no power in hell or on the earth will be able to prevent them from emerging and thriving.
Indeed, if America as a country is to be redeemed, then the emergence of new structures for an entirely parallel sociocultural and socioeconomic infrastructure and civilizational paradigm cannot come soon enough. The alt-gendered, hedonistic and authoritarian “woke communism” with its cancel culture extremism is aimed, by hell itself, at the heart and soul of God’s intended manifest destiny for America.
Being afraid to confront and resist the violent perversion and attempted redefining of such sacred instruments of God’s will for human civilization, such as marriage, family, kinship, nationhood, and community, exposes our own pusillanimous hearts. Such a people who cannot or will not arise and resist the siren call of hedomism and authoritarianism will have their lights extinguished and God will raise up a new people, new nations, and a new commonwealth of freedom.
The idea God’s arc of history for human civilization will be prevented from being fulfilled is an idea born in an absence of faith and truth. As the worldlings grow in their wickedness, so too God’s people, if they heed His call, will grow in virtue, and as the worldlings become less free, the nations of people who follow hard after God will become ever more free.
At no point in human civilization will the power hungry, perverted, morally reprehensible forces of totalitarianism whose every idea is born in hell gain world dominion. Pockets of human flourishing rooted in God’s blueprint for human civilization will always remain somewhere, until the time when God removes His People from this present world.
We envision the deliberate creation of alternative, parallel structures, beginning with a virtual commonwealth called “Upadaria”, as a platform that promotes freedom based on virtue, liberty, and independence and that emulates a non-territorial “country” that adheres to God’s standards of righteousness and justice for the nations. We believe the creation of these structures, which also includes distributed free cities, hubs of refuge and support, and clustered living options, could help restore America to its true manifest destiny or, in a worse case scenario we do not want to see happen, create an ark of sorts for people during times of great unrest and ruin.
People who either embrace our virtual commonwealth as e-Citizens or who embrace our alternative nationality, as peers of a globally-distributed spiritual nation whose God is the Lord, will find options and alternative solutions that tend to enhance their level of freedom and prosperity while empowering them to become more influential as a witness for the Lord to others. In the end, this could become the basis of what follows IF America as a country ceases to be a commonwealth of freedom and abandons its true manifest destiny. It could also become the rallying point and foundation for restoring our country to its God-given purpose.
We hope, pray, and work toward creating these parallel ideas, relationships, connections, and structures toward the end of saving our country from being dominated by perverted and corrupt authoritarians, the woke communists and neocon collaborators, whose only god is their own self-pleasure.
But we also know and acknowledge that if Americans do not reject and resist, with spiritual weapons and not the weapons of this world, the wanton destruction of our culture and way of life, then what follows will be the demise of our country and the emergence of new nations of people and a new country who fulfill God’s intention to always have a commonwealth of freedom on this earth.
If you aren’t an American and we say America is the greatest country ever, this may rankle you a bit and make you feel insulted or that we who say that are conceited and rude. But bear with us for a bit as we explain why this is so and why this definitely doesn’t make any American better or more valuable than you, because everything we say about America, for the reasons we give, can be said about you, for the same reasons.
On the other hand, if you happen to hold an American citizenship and vote in our elections but don’t agree that America is good, perhaps you are looking in the wrong places, perhaps you are acculturated to see only our flaws and failures, and perhaps you are so animated by alien and, frankly, rather authoritarian ideas that your eyes will always be jaundiced toward this country. We won’t accuse you of not being an American if you are genuinely deceived about how and why America is good, and therefore great, but there are some who hold our citizenship but whose hearts have turned against us in the same hateful passion any foreign foe might feel toward our country.
America is the greatest country because the arc of its history, even in its most flawed states and during its most henious acts, bent ever more toward freedom and God’s standards of righteousness and justice, thus producing more liberty and prosperity for most of its people than any country in history.
America was not and is not “America” to everyone all the time, some whole groups of people (think inner cities or Appalachia, native American reservations, or the migrants we both tempt across our borders and then condemn as illegals) are left behind. But more of a percentage of Americans were embraced and blessed with freedom and prosperity in, say, 1990, then 1890.
That being said, and this is where America is in danger of losing its crown as the greatest country, the amount of total individual freedom and individual to local autonomy from a top-down system of control owned by the most privileged in 1790 has eroded and hasn’t been experienced by very many Americans even today. Put another way, a rich, white, male in 1790 had more freedom in that era than anyone, including rich white males, does today.
A downward trend isn’t a forever trend and if America is somehow returned to the path of its true manifest destiny as a commonwealth of liberty with justice for all, then we will see this a mere dip in an otherwise upward arcing advancement.
America owes its status as the greatest country ever to God alone. What made us great is our arc toward ever greater freedom with justice and prosperity for all that became more and more common for more and more a percentage of our population. This is an arc of history any would-be tyrant or authoritarian coterie could not tolerate as it would make their totalitarian agendas less feasible.
In the Freedomist vision for America nobody is left behind, the arc of our history continues back on track to expand freedom with justice and universal opulence (abundant prosperity) for all, without exception. If you think rich, white guys in 1790 had all the privileges and maximum freedom and prosperity and this upsets you, consider focusing less on bashing rich white males and more on wanting all Americans to have the same freedom with justice and prosperity.
This all came from God. We did not invent it or create it. Indeed, anyone, anywhere in the world who learns the ways of God’s standards of righteousness and justice will find the same blessings of freedom with justice and universal opulence.
America is the greatest country on the earth because of the blessings and will of God, who made this land a beacon of hope and a model of liberty to all the nations as part of His plan and blueprint to advance human civilization and therefore human dignity on this planet. We are not better people than anyone else. Everyone on the planet who sees in America’s goodness, despite our sometimes badness, the ways of God for the nations which ought to be emulated by all will have a part in these blessings.
American exceptionalism is a product of God’s plan to provide a sanctuary to the oppressed and an example of freedom to the nations. Why He chose this country is only known to Him, but God is the source and deserves the credit. Turning from God’s standards of righteousness and justice for the nations, denying His blueprints for human civilization, beginning with marriage and the family as well as extended family and local communities, we would eventually forfeit this status and God would raise up new nations and a new country or countries to carry the torch of His benevolent desires for humanity.
How and when this happens, if America as a country becomes a secularized, hedonistic, and authoritarian society led by unscrupulous and corrupted leaders without any regard to our true manifest destiny, is not clear. It can take decades or be sudden.
America is the greatest country ever, for now, but that isn’t anything we can brag about as if we made it happen, and it isn’t going to continue as long as we, as Americans, reject the God who made this happen and reject His manifest destiny for our country and His standards of justice as righteousness for the nations.
Compared to the rest of the world, Japan has fared well in relation to Covid-19, but missteps with vaccines and the death of a baby due to restrictive hospital admittance rules marred an otherwise stellar reford. The result has been the resignation of Prime Minister Suga but many Japanese leaders now want to talk about anything but Covid-19.
The temptation is for Japan’s leaders to turn to the bogeyman to their west, namely the Chinese monstrosity that is pushing ever harder on its neighbors to grow their control over surrounding waters and gain control over natural resources. As the Chinese Communist Party is returning to its totalitarian roots and as China returns to its more ancient imperialism, it is a great candidate for a distraction from domestic problems. The temptation will be to push back even harder against all perceived or real instances of Chinese aggression.
One example is that Japan could urge The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). CPTPP is a free trade agreement (FTA) between Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, New Zealand, Singapore and Vietnam. The CPTPP was signed by the 11 countries on 8 March 2018 in Santiago, Chile.
Bringing Taiwan into the deal would not be contestable by the US or China, for example, though China would be riled by it and the US might see it as too provocative. Still, neither of these powers could prevent the deal from being extended to Taiwan. Indeed, the CPTPP may be seen as a sort of anti-China coalition aimed at pooling the economic might of its partner countries to offset and even reduce China’s economic advantages.
We can look forward to more Japanese push back against China, both as a distraction from domestic woes as the ruling Liberal Democrat Party faces a stronger opposition in the upcoming 2022 elections for Japan’s lower house, and out of fundamental concern for China’s very real threatening moves.
When we say the word “church” we tend to see this as a local congregation, but what if our entire paradigm regarding church was missing the idea that the whole church exists within and should be seen as an area-wide distributed spiritual city-state of the Elect?
What if I said your specific local congregation, as a synagogos, wasn’t “the church” as an area-wide community but a fractal of the whole? What if I said that your family and a new/old construct, an extended multi-family household of faith, was as much of a constituent entity of the church as your local congregation?
None of this takes away from your local congregation and what it does now. We are talking about expanding your concept of the church, not limiting or undermining the present role and functions of your local congregation.
Let’s begin with our view of the church, albeit with an important caveat that this represents convictions, not a doctrine by which we would judge who is or isn’t a child of God. You may cling to the mental constructs of what church is all you wish and it won’t jeopardize your soul, but, we propose, it may keep you from fully actualizing God’s best for your life with excellence in this life.
Envision the church at an area level, like a multi-county area that is known as a contiguous area. For instance, “the church in Galatia” was an area in what is now south-western Turkey with multiple cities and villages. It was at once a distinct community from the surrounding communities wherein its members dwelled and a part of the whole fabric of society within the area as a salt and light witness for Jesus.
The word for church is EKKLESIA. The word had many specific meanings depending on context and, we asd this caution, our way of using and understanding this word is not set in stone or doctrinal. Our conviction is that the concept of Ekklesia as used to describe the assemblage of all Believers should be informed by the concepts of an assembly governing a city-state.
The WAY the “church in Galatia” is described and shown to function, as a single community of people distributed throughout the physical communities in an entire area, has the feel of something approximating the traditional and well-known Greco-Roman city-state model. In essence, if the Kingdom of God is a spiritual Kingdom, then the Ekklesia in a given area is a spiritual city-state.
The Christian “church” is an irreducibly complex entity: in its fractal it is two or more gathered in Jesus’s Name, but in its fullness we propose it should not be subdivided from the city-state scale, where the city-state is based on a spiritual foundation and is distributed, in the form of its core constituent entities, throughout an entire area.
This is the concept of the area-wide Body of Christ as a spiritual city-state and the church as the gathered assembly of the entire “citizenry” of that spiritual city-state who are its Electors. While it is logical that the fractals and constituent entities of the whole would in many ways resemble the whole and emulate its offices and functions, it is perhaps liberating and powerful to consider the meaning and practices of these offices and functions from the perspective of an area-wide distributed spiritual city-state.
This will make the “local congregation as supreme” advocates uncomfortable because it may be seen as undermining centuries of church tradition wherein every local congregation assumes it embodies in itself the totality of churchdom, as it were, and its officers as the very people spoken of when the Bible describes the offices and functions of the Ekklesia. We use the term “solo grande”, which implies a grand and solo authority which brooks no refusal or dissent, and this has more or less colored the “modern” local church model since the 15th and 16th centuries when the present form really became the model most Christians followed.
Every local church and ITS clerical leaders became the beginning and end of what the very meaning of church was and the larger, distributed spiritual city-state of the Elect was pushed further from everyday consciousness until it virtually disappeared.
In our model of the church as the governing assembly of the spiritual city-state of the Elect, local congregations are the synagogos, places of gathering for religious observance, worship, and spiritual instruction, but also fractals of the whole with the same basic governance model based on the offices and functions of the area-wide spiritual city-state of the Elect. The Pastor of a local congregation ought to be as much like a village mayor or chief caring for their congregation as if it was a locally distributed intentional community as a clerical leader.
The core constituent entities of the area-wide spiritual city-state of the Elect and its governing assembly include things like married couples, nuclear families, extended multi-family households of faith (a “lost” Biblical institution we ought to restore), and local congregations. The actual physical and/or virtual gathering of the Elect, using the Polis model of Ekklesia as the gathering of ALL Electors, is the ultimate full realization of this model in practice. We can infer logically that any association and structure whereby two or more Believers engage and connect with Christ as their head is also a constituent entity of the area-wide spiritual city-state of the Elect and its governing assembly.
It is within the extended multi-family households faith, oikos in the Bible, kinship communities in our terminology, that we find a place where the core elements of the Kingdom more of less all connect: the Ekklesia is modeled in its governance, the Ethne or “nationhood” is the basis of its kinship (more on that follows), it is the Oikos of the familial unit that includes a more expensive view of the family, and it is a part of the larger Koinonia which is freewill participation based on objective standards and norms rooted in God’s standards of righteousness and justice.
To unpack all these things would take multiple articles. But to simply realize a more expensive, comprehensive, and holistic view of the church with all these elements of the Kingdom and all these core constituent entities is a paradigm shift that better equips us to adapt and navigate within a largely hostile surrounding culture. This view does not threaten or eliminate the local congregation as a vital part of the whole church, but it does threaten the solo grande model by which one effectively sees and experiences the church mostly through this limited venue and mostly as something religious and more ephemeral.
The intentional restoration of the ancient multi-family households of faith, often translated as households, or oikos, is a meeting point and expression of all core elements of the Kingdom, including yet another “lost” element, the nation. Many diverse nations as a spiritual construct are, we firmly believe, ordained and predestined by God to fill this earth and to make it easier for people to find God if they seek Him.
What we see in the ancient concept of an extended multi-family household of faith is that it requires the spiritual cohesiveness of being a fractal of the whole church and its its most basic core constituent entity. But it also demands the organic cohesiveness of a shared nationhood and that every nation of people whose God is the Lord ought to consider this structure to be its core constituent entity as well.
Your local congregation cannot embody all the social, cultural, and economic as well as civic functions and structures one might envision if church is more like a spiritual city-state and distributed intentional community than merely a religious club.
These ideas and concepts each deserve their own thorough review, it is sufficient for now to at least see in this a paradigm changing shift from church as a limited religious club to church as an area-wide distributed spiritual city-state whose Electors include all citizens of the Kingdom regardless of their unique forms of nationhood and of their local congregational affiliation. At the very least, you should see in this that if we explore the ancient, Biblical models for the church we find structures and institutions that our modern society has undermined, perverted, and destroyed.
The promotion of spiritual nationhood as a parallel sociocultural and socioeconomic system and civilizational structure as well as the intentional restoration, albeit in modern form, of the extended multi-family household of faith may be vital to building church, as in ekklesia, to fit the spiritual city-state model as opposed to the more limited religious club model.
There are those who will see any questioning of the solo grande clerical-led “local church” as an attack on the church. They see their 15th and 16th century inventions as if they are the final or only true form for the church and would balk at any notions not contained in this tradition. The conflating of any questions of the present church-as-religious-club model with an attack on the sanctity of the church is common and only serves to keep the church irrelevant and weak within a morally and spiritually depraved culture.
You don’t have to stop “going to church” or pastoring a church in order to challenge yourself to think more expensively and holistically about the church at the area-wide level.
Our approach is not to try and convince everyone to form area-wide governance structures that include all Believers. Creating “unity” through a top-down structure that tries to corral every Christian to be part of it won’t create unity, it is, frankly, a “tower of Babel” approach.
Our approach to ekklesia as a spiritual city-state of the Elect and its governing assembly is to focus on embodying its concepts and practices internally among ourselves in the hope others will do the same. In reviving nationhood and taking it to a new level of praxis in our daily lives and in rebuilding the ancient extended multi-family households of faith as the core constituent entity of both the nation and the ekklesia, we become what we envision and others are bound to copy until that which we see, the unity of the whole Body of Christ in a given area, emerges naturally and from the heart.
It may or may not be true that those who control most church structures, from local congregations to denominations, will resist this because they see it undermines their solo grande authority over their felllow Believers. It may be, however, that those “clergy” who embrace and nurture this both within their own congregations and as members of other core elements of the Kingdom will be among the most “successful” at reaching the lost, growing their congregation, nurturing their members, being a salt and light influence to others, and promoting true unity among Believers.
It is neither necessary nor useful to treat these concepts as a doctrine or to look askance at anyone who isn’t at a place where they are willing to explore, let alone accept, these concepts. We present this to challenge and edify, not to divide or condemn. It explains how we see the church, but it isn’t required of you in order to be a Christian.
To free your mind from spiritual and then also social, cultural, and economic serfdom at the service of the ruling class, you must take aggressive control over the mental constructs you have accepted and allow your life to be defined by.
Mental constructs are how we define our reality in terms of the reasonable norms, acceptable behavior, and expected laws of cause and effect. If we look at an institution or organization and categorize it a certain way, the category that colors our mental construct tells us what to expect within and from that institution.
Words like nation, country, government, state, politics, church, marriage, family, kinship, community, and society, among others, conjure mental constructs which we usually inherit or become acculturated to by socializing agents, like our churches, media, or schools. If our mental construct of these things changes, so does our expectation and perception about how they should function and the type of things they should do.
If church in your mental construct conjures images of a church service, a member of the clergy, or a church building, then your entire range of possibilities, expectations, and acceptable behavior and norms will be limited and defined thereby. If your mental construct of church, as in ekklesia, is based on seeing the whole Body of Christ within an area as a spiritual city-state and the gathered assembly thereof as its ruling council, then your entire range of possibilities and etc for what church should be and do and how it should function will change.
Imagine seeing the church as a civic and sociocultural as well as socioeconomic body based on a foundation of personal and shared spiritual sovereignty. The religious functions of local congregations within the whole would not define the whole, for example.
We could go through many of these things and ask challenging questions about the accuracy or, more importantly, desirability and benefit of such mental constructs. If we resort to an intentionality about such matters, if we seriously question whether our mental constructs truly come from truth or what we are used to even if it isn’t true or useful, we may both see ways we have been controlled and ways to end that control.
To purposefully interrogate your mental constructs means you ask hard questions like:
1. What has been the historic view of this?
2. Have cultures expressed, or do they present express, different mental constructs about this and do they tend more to favor me than the ruling class?
3. What are the spiritual, logical, historical, and scientific foundations or known roots to my own mental construct about this?
4. What are the Biblical roots, if any, of this mental construct or does this contradict Biblical truth?
5. In studying all references to this entity or institution, like the state/magistrate, governments and kingdoms, family, and etc, do my mental constructs about these things harmonize with their treatment and description in the Bible?
As we approach these subjects (like “what constitutes a good magistrate in the Bible?”), we may find that the Biblical view and our accustomed view are at variance. We are then forced to decide the comfort of keeping to our old view, insensible to contradictions and the angst they cause, or we may choose to discard our old view and adopt the Biblical model and then let the chips fall where they will.
What we have discerned and bear our own witness to is that there is often little harmony between the historical and Biblical mental constructs about many vital institutions within human civilization and the way we have been acculturated to view them. If one truly wishes to emulate the more advanced and civilized mental constructs of most civilizational institutions and structures, like the family and marriage, one must be willing to discard, as inconvenient as it is, the old mental constructs.
Once the old and decrepit mental constructs we were spoon-fed by unthinking socializing agents (like teachers and even, sadly, clergy, and the press and entertainment industry) are discarded and new mental constructs rooted in truth, history, and the Bible, are embraced, a change in thinking and behavior is necessitated.
As an example, if your mental construct of the word “church” envisions the ruling assembly for a spiritual city-state of the Elect, which includes all Electors, as in all citizens of the Kingdom of God, then your expectations and even how you organize constituent bodies of people of that spiritual city-state (family, extended multi-family households, local congregations, and the such) will change significantly from the IRS-approved 501 c 3 church-as-religious-club perception of the church. The “new” mental construct is not like the old! The “new” mental construct is, however, both more ancient and more advanced than the “church as religious club” model.
Mental constructs control you mind and poison your soul when they are at variance with the Heavenly Blueprint for human civilization and all its constituent communities, institutions, and structures. One may individually be right with God and their salvation secure and yet find that their scope of action and fulfillment in this life was severely limited by faulty mental constructs that kept them in their designated place as a mere serf toiling for the benefit of the ruling class.
It is our sole moral and intellectual responsibility to not allow our mental constructs to be dictated by rote internalization through the powerful and corrupt socializing agents of this depraved sociocultural and socioeconomic order. We must understand and acknowledge that the present civilizational paradigm is a porridge of embedded assumptions and mental constructs that defy the Heavenly Blueprint for human civilization in every detail. Sadly, these negative and freedom-taking assumptions have also infected many establishment ruling class, clerical leaders as well as leading personalities and thinkers in the “church world.”
Every socializing institution of the present civilizational paradigm, from churches and schools to the press and corporatations, has accepted the embedded mental constructs created by the ruling class to regiment society and bind most people to a state of dependency. Basically, unless we reject the embedded assumptions and mental constructs of the ruling class we will always be serfs in their service.
How we see these present-day structures and institutions of human civilization dictates the limits and possibilities that will either constrain us or liberate us. Is marriage simply a private contract between two consenting adults for mutual pleasure and benefit or is it a holy fractal emulating the relationship of Christ and the church and meant to perpetuate and grow both the human race and the Body of Christ through reproduction and childbearing?
We certainly believe that the latter is true, even infertile couples can nurture and support spiritual offspring, and at the same time we believe you must be free to choose your mental construct on things like marriage and the family according to your own beliefs and convictions.
As we explore institution after institution and structure after structure we may discern, “society needs a rewrite.” But rather than impose our ideas and concepts about such a rewrite, it is better, we propose, to focus more on our own personal choices and views and to intentionally connect and build anew with others whose mental constructs closely approximate our own.
Being deliberate about interrogating our own mental constructs about every structure and institution that governs our life is extremely liberating to the mind, soul, and spirit. Just leaving the mental prison of accepting embedded assumptions as truth without critical analysis can begin to improve our decisions and actions, relationships and associations, and inner quality of life.
President Biden has given up on making saving Americans his priority as his corrupt State Department has prevented charter flights paid for by Glenn Beck from leaving Afghanistan. The State Department failed to inform the Taliban the flights were approved, possibly on the simple grounds that Beck, a loud critic of Democrats, was the one paying for the ride at $750,000 a plane for 6 planes.
Beck’s fleet of two Airbus 340s and four Boeing 737s from Kam Air are sitting empty in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif. They are without their passengers, which include at least 142 Americans. Biden has surrendered them as hostages to the Taliban, evidently because the wrong person was helping to rescue them. As the saga continues, the Biden team focuses on its rainbow authoritarianism agenda with countess distractions from reality. All this while the adoring press refuse to confront this latest quisling behavior.
Possibly thousands of Americans are stranded in Afghanistan and are being used as bargaining chips by the terrorist Taliban who are demanding money and other concessions which the quisling American President is all too willing to concede. The President promised to not leave before getting all Americans, but he also promised the Taliban to be gone by a certain date. Biden left 24 hours earlier than the deadline, keeping his promise to the terrorists, while he broke his promise to his country and to those Americans now being held hostage to the Taliban by his policies.
No effort, certainly no threats, are being used to free Americans from the Taliban’s control, but the rainbow flags are flying and the proper use of people’s pronouns is potentially being explored as a regulatory requirement.
The Biden administration’s priorities are, in this order, alt gendered rainbow authoritarianism, killing the unborn, disarming free people, deplatforming dissenting voices, opening the border to import voters and provide slave labor to corporate backers, using the coronareich to further erode human dignity and human rights, borrowing to spend more money on failed ideas, and denigrating everything good about America in the name of fighting racism. We should, his main priority is putting good and decent people on government watch lists for refusing to be neutered and turned into a modern day serf.
Democrats have truly become the hedonistic and perverted version of the Taliban, only unlike the Taliban who kill people over their sexual orientation, the PROGIBAN cancel people who refuse to salute their alter gendered gods or their rainbow flags. Alt gendered rainbow authoritarianism is the extremist ideology and religion of the corrupt and morally reprobate Biden Administration.
Americans held hostage in Afghanistan don’t care what pronouns you use on them, they just want to come home.
The September 26th election in Germany is likely to see a coalition of Die Linke (old line communists), the Social Democrats, the Free Democrats, and the Greens, driving Germany into a far left authoritarianism not seen since the days of the DDR. The Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) are down to 21%, with the mushy Free Democrats at 12% and the AFD at 11% and holding. An SD, Green, Linke, and FDP coalition led by the Social Democrats would possibly emerge with over 61% of the vote. But without the FDP a minority coalition would be required.
The loss of CDU/CSU support has mostly been a failure of leadership, driven in part by the migration crisis and the Covid-19 response.
But this scenario isn’t set in stone as the Germans now have a voting system that gives both a primary and a secondary vote which could make calculations based on polls alone more difficult. A leftward, authoritarianism, which the Greens and Die Linke would necessitate in order to join the coalition, could have a major negative impact on the German economy and German foreign policy.
With an underfunded military focused more on gender issues and the whole rainbow agenda, as opposed to warfighting, such a coalition would continue to denominate the armed forces, thus rendering Germany dependent upon the US for its security.
The AFD has failed to seize the advantage caused by recent downturns and failures or to capitalize on growing German anger at the establishment over things like the floods, Covid-19, and migration worries. Poor leadership, messaging, and marketing have contributed to this.
Imagine we were able to somehow get 100 million Americans to slow down for just an hour or so to fully hear our message of building freedom. We would explain why we need a foundation of four core ideals and of virtue, liberty, and independence. We would perhaps gain 100,000 or less, perhaps only 50,000, actual freedom-building activists who availed themselves of the legal means by which to find and exploit real “gaps for freedom.”
Gaps for freedom include anything, from a legal structure like a fraternal benefit society to a mutual benefit corporation, to physical spaces like your own house or a self-sustaining intentional community, that allows you to escape from the influence or control of others whose ideas and agenda you don’t support. Through gaps for freedom a parallel system can be created that meets all your most basic needs while affirming, not violating, your dearly held beliefs, values and convictions as well as traditions and customs.
The unpleasant truth is that there is a critical point where those who have found gaps for freedom and who can experience independence from anything or anyone that they don’t want to be influenced or controlled by cannot be large enough in number to be seen as a potential threat to the existing ruling class. It is in smallness that what emerges as the seed-bearing genesis communities of a new civilization survive and thrive in a latter-stage civilization beset by the malady common to all dying civilizations, Caesarism. Too rapid an emergence, unless it become so massive it becomes too big to tackle, of rhese genesis communities earns the attention and wrath of the ruling class. They don’t much fancy any plurality, let alone majority, of the population being weened from dependency!
And so freedom-building parallel structures become possible mostly in the stages where a very small percentage of the population avail themselves of these methods for liberation.
The ruling class are the small body of usually less than 1 in 10,000 people who effectively control the lives of everyone else through enterprises, institutions, and positions of status within every sphere of civilized life. In the latter stages of a dying civilization, the ruling class themselves are controlled for the most part and in most instances by the ruling core, which may be as few as a thousand or less of the most powerful people.
This entire ruling class falls prey to hedonism, narcissism, and authoritarianism to try to fill the growing spiritual void in their lives. They destroy everything they touch. Culture now becomes the product of politics and an extension of the ruling class in their craven lust for more and more sadistic power over others.
The end of a civilization can be a long drawn-out affair that takes decades or centuries and in some cases it’s hard to see where an old civilization ends and a new one begins. The Byzantines are an example of a new civilization emerging somewhat peacefully within the debris of the old civilization, while Western Civilization emerged, eventually, from the debris of the Roman/Greek and the Germanic civilizations.
During the Caesarism era, freedom is prey and authoritarians are the hunter, always looking to plug in any gaps for freedom that will liberate people from their influence or control. Independence of culture and of material self-reliance becomes suspect and treasonous in their eyes. Whereas once the US Government urged people to stock up on vast supplies in case of doomsday, today the “Department of Homeland Security”, a neocon agency of authoritarianism, practically “preppers” to be “suspected domestic terrorists.”
Being too loud or reaching large enough numbers in terms of the percentage of the population, puts you in the cross hairs of the ruling class. Even if your movement is totally a-political and non-violent, your numbers will attract suspicion and eventually prescription by the ruling class. If the Amish ever become a “thing” adopted by more than, say, 3 million Americans, the ruling class will end all their effective carve-outs by which they generally operate free from external controls today.
For this reason, the popularity of a given gap for freedom will result in the ruling class seeking its closure and then persecuting those who were using that opening. This isn’t a conspiracy theory, it is observed over and over again throughout history. Only when an opening becomes too popular or when the small minority using it become too wealthy and powerful does the ruling class move to close it.
The ruling class want to rule and are driven by an almost orgiastic pleasure derived from knowing and observing their control over others. We all become furniture, tools, fixtures, commodities, and beasts of burden all focusing our energy and the fruits of our labor on their satisfaction. There is no benefit to society or common good, these are just slogans and propaganda lies meant to cause mass hallucinations that all is well when, in truth, the fabric of civilization is being torn apart and ruined.
At a certain point even the smallest and unnoticed minorities who properly exploit gaps for freedom become too powerful too soon and cannot be put down. This period between having such outsized power and being a vulnerable minority that could be easily swatted aside is the most critical time for the emergence of a new civilization. One suspects many potential new civilization movements die before they can flourish, being too weak and yet gaining the unwanted attention of the ruling class.
It is important in the early stages that any freedom-building movement fully realize its vulnerability and focus far less on trying to “bully” the ruling class into retreat and far more on gathering/building a movement as a community and on using gaps for freedom to help liberate its adherents from the influence and control of the ruling class. This notion that we must have an election, a specific cause, or a controversy to rally people is short-sighted and shallow. In fact, people too easily drawn in are too easily drawn away.
People must be drawn to building their own freedom and your movement must have blueprints they can use to do so unilaterally and autonomously in their own lives, relationships, and communities. The call from our perspective is a call to help sow the seeds and build the genesis, parallel, structures of a freedom civilization in our very own hearts, live, relationships, associations, and neighborhoods.
This movement, or at least its practitioners, must necessarily be relatively small in relation to the population, until its use of these gaps for freedom makes it so substantive and influential that any effort to suppress it would become too burdensome.
Smallness becomes the secret formula for neutralizing Leviathan. What he can’t “see” he cannot stalk and kill!
The fact that even if we reached 100 million Americans fewer than 100,000 would fully embrace and actualize our proposed gaps for freedom is a blessing in disguise. It means the ruling class have no concern over such an insignificant movement and that our efforts can proceed in peace and safety. But if 100,000 Americans adopted our proposed gaps for freedom, namely by starting with a new and intentional form of shared nationality, they would become the basis of an egalitarian “leadership core” for a much larger movement that would emerge suddenly and become too large to suppress.
The adoption of our proposed gaps for freedom, one major one being the “exploit” of an intentional “ethnicity” based on a globally-distributed spiritual nation whose God is the Lord, will almost inevitably and necessarily only include a small percentage of people. It is as if an ark of cultural and economic autonomy from a dying civilization was being built but only so many people could fit. For those who adopt the new approach, starting with this quite novel concept of intentional ethnicity based on ideals and not ancestry or race, there is the promise that no human power can prevent God from protecting the people of any nation, even a globally-distributed spiritual nation, from all harm.
While our heart is to save as many people as we can, we know this facet of the historical cycle and we know that, until our movement reaches a certain stage, very few people will enjoy the benefits of using our gaps for freedom. It may be most people reading these veru words will want freedom but won’t use our proposed gaps for freedom and will eventually suffer the consequences of being tied to the corpse of Western Civilization in its decline.
We should note, those who are most earnest about saving Western Civilization in its core Judeo-Christian spiritual, moral, and rational foundations are in fact sowing the seeds of a new civilization. This new civilization will emerge through the translation of a Kingdom Civilization mandate from each civilization in the forward evolution of human civilization according to God’s blueprint and design.
This becomes freedom for the very few. It’s not this way because it isn’t offered or accessible to all, it’s not because the few restrict or keep out the many, and it’s definitely not about the relative wealth of the very few who may actually start mostly less well-off than most of society. It is this way because very few will both be willing and able to comprehend and embrace the message and only a few of these will make the disciplined choices and sacrifices necessary to actualize such ideas.
However, at some point, the ruling class will either seek to close the gaps for freedom while suppressing those who used them or they will try to prevent more people to avail themselves of this while leaving the minority who did alone. What this means is that from the time we begin to build our gaps for freedom the clock begins a countdown wherein, eventually, in the natural process, only those few who have already availed themselves of this gap for freedom will be allowed to keep using it.
Many who refuse to countenance something as unusual and unorthodox as nationhood will, sadly, find that eventually this option will be unavailable to them even if they now want to embrace it. Once the “ark”, in our case a new form of nationhood with the genesis structures of a new civilization, is full, the door will close UNTIL the deluge of catastrophic and collapse destroys the old structures and deposed the ruling class. Those who today are free to learn about and adopt our nationhood and build its genesis structures in their lives, relationships, and neighborhoods, will find a time is coming where they won’t be free to do so.
This principle applies broadly as no doubt people other than us also have different gaps for freedom they are building and theirs too will eventually be “closed” by the ruling class to new people seeking those same gaps for freedom. The point is that, whatever gaps for freedom you find now that mostly agree with you, you should avail yourself of them before the option is closed to you because it MUST be. Being picky because it’s not your idea or because it might require some compromises or ceding of total individualism could see you outside the ark when the deluge comes.
People who are focused first on their own things and who cannot surrender an ounce of ownership or control, people who are too infected with the unhealthy, atomized individualism that makes everyone at once an island and yet a cog in a mega machine, will push back against things like shared ownership and corporation that doesn’t give them ownership and control. There is balance.
A true gap for freedom doesn’t require you to lose more personal autonomy than you already have, in fact it increases your own personal autonomy. A true gap for freedom merely shifts some of the areas of your life that depend on the ruling class to a community of people who choose freely to participate in, while releasing more areas to your total individual control than you enjoy now.
If someone buys shares in a mutual benefit corporation equivalent to “onwing” a house, they my not own their individual house directly, but, through their mutual benefit corporation, they have far more control over its use, who their neighbors are, and what values will govern their use of the land and common facilities. In this case, what looks like a retreat from directly owning to indirectly owning the building where you live, becomes a gap for freedom by which you actually gain more real control over the land and environment where you live.
Gaps for freedom is not always convenient and what makes sense from a regulatory and legal perspective is rarely ever how regulations and laws are written. The goal is control, not the common good or safety or anything claimed. The fair housing laws may seem directed at preventing discrimination in housing but they codify the atomization of the individual into bite-sized individual residences alone and destroy the ability of kinship groups from clustering together, as is natural and necessary if you want to nurture family and community as alternatives to the coercion of the state.
Finding a gap for freedom that works around this WITHOUT promoting discrimination in housing is essential if, like us, you see the revival of extended kinship groups clustered together as in days of old as an essential alternative to state coercion and corporate control. The combination of a land trust, mutual benefit housing, fraternal benefit societies, clubs, real estate investment funds, property management corporations, and other legal structures is necessary to get to a place where a private but open, free, and diverse community development can both nurture these kinds of extended kinship groups and yet also provide fair housing without discrimination to the public.
This is just an exmaple. For every area where you want more control your choices are usually things you can do as a lone individual and things that require the freewill participation of others in some form. And for all these you will have to both be creative in finding viable gaps for freedom, such as legal structures, and be ever mindful that your time in which to exploit that gap for freedom may be limited.
To return to our theme: relatively few people will avail themselves of such gaps for freedom because they are seemingly unorthodox and not “convenient” to people whose lives are based on dependency. The fact of this smallness is, however, the greatest stealth protection of those using such gaps for freedom. Smallness is our best and only defense against a ravenous Leviathan.
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