Anti-American seditionist college professors are planning on refusing to issue final grades for students, preventing thousands from being able to graduate and seek gainful employment. Their motivation behind this is to force their colleges, most of them publicly funded, to support the genocidal death cult Hamas in its efforts to purge Israel of the Jews.
Washington Square News broke the story, claiming “About 100 graduate student workers and faculty are threatening to withhold final grades until NYU agrees to remove New York City Police Department officers from campus, pardon pro-Palestinian ‘students, faculty, and graduate workers,’ facing disciplinary action and ‘substantively negotiate,’ with student protesters over their demands.”
The action is called a “grade strike,” and it is expected to spread to other universities.
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Calls for professors and graduate teaching assistants to withhold assigning grades as a means to strong-arm university leaders into acquiescing to activists’ anti-Israel demands have emerged in recent weeks.
Pro-Palestinian activists at two major universities, New York University and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, have launched campaigns advancing the strategy, and many instructors have said they would participate.
The tactic is called a “grade strike.”
“About 100 graduate student workers and faculty are threatening to withhold final grades until NYU agrees to remove New York City Police Department officers from campus, pardon pro-Palestinian ‘students, faculty, and graduate workers,’ facing disciplinary action and ‘substantively negotiate,’ with student protesters over their demands,” the NYU student newspaper the Washington Square News reported.
A representative for the strike said in an interview with WSN that it “could bring things to a halt, and hopefully force them to come to the table and actually talk about demands.” In a flier, organizers of the grade strike listed their demands, which included amnesty for all students suspended for their involvement in NYU’s recent anti-Israel encampment.
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