The endless wars abroad, in which young Americans suffer and die battling enemies of the global oligarchy, are ramping up as Bomber Biden gets into his stride.
In the latest round of bombings, US troops set within a foreign land were set upon by angry, Iran-backed, local militias. The predictable outcome was a series of bombings by the US against bases held by these militias. While it is certainly true these militia thugs, backed by Iran, are bad people with bad ideas, it may not be true the US has any parochial interest ourselves in fighting them.
As for our country, suffering under growing inflation, a weird job crisis, and this internal sociocultural crisis launched by radicals who represent Biden’s core base, there is nothing the American people csn gain from choosing sides in Syria or Iraq.
Credit where credit is due, one Goerge Bush (the elder) began this adventurist wars in mostly Islamic lands debacle with the first Gulf War. The US fought and bled to liberate Kuwait after Iraq invaded in reason to Kuwait blatantly stealing millions upon millions of barrels of oil from Iraq through cross-drilling.
Perhaps letting a former CIA bigwig become President wasn’t the smartest thing the US ever did.
After 911 the US had every right to put a massive hurting to all those powers that either backed or otherwise enabled Al Qeuda and their Wahabist ideology. Backing the Afghanistanis who wanted to overthrow the Taliban, letting them do the fighting on the ground for their own freedom, was certainly within the scope of legitimate responses. But so also would severing ties with Saudi Arabia unless they abandoned their global effort to impart the Wahabist ideology, a key component of which was violent jihad.
As it stands now, after George the younger finished the destabilizing work his father started, which may itself have been the “justification” the Wahabist terrorists needed to gain recruits and funding, the entire scene became a quagmire. From Egypt to Afghanistan, the spector of Islamic Jihad and the destabilization of the entire Islamic world, set on fire mostly through “Western intervention”, has cost hundreds of thousands of innocent lives and hasn’t improved a thing.
Enter now one Joe “The Bomber”, Biden, or “Bomber Biden” for short. His war plan seems to be the same as Biden the elder, Clinton, Bush the younger, and Obama. Only Trump tried, somewhat, to steer a different course but our woke coterie of globalist generals blocked him at every turn.
Truly, the United States of America in all our economic and military power has become nothing more than a giant cudgel to browbeat the world into submission to a band of globalist oligarchs whose interests do not align with our country’s parochial interests.
This thirst for imperialist dominion over all things and all people for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many is what drives Biden’s War Plan. It is calculated by the needs and interests of this global oligarchy and their planned “reset”, which amounts to modern feudalism.
It it is no wonder that Biden threatens Americans who refuse to abide his wacko interpretation of the Bill of Rights as a permission slip to deny the right of self-preservation even as he bombs bad guys whose success or failure is of no real concern to America’s parochial interests.
His militarism, imperialism, and authoritarianism are precisely what his oligarch overlords demand of him!