The heart of DNC-CCP power is the media, the culture.
If Trump were to win, I’ll know if he’s serious about ridding the world of the leftist menace if he attacks the heart of their power, the media, the press, the means of cultural production.
If you kill its head, the rest of its power will fall as well, including its power in the schools, which would now face a hyper critical American press no longer protecting their poor performance from American audiences. Their values would no longer be echoed in the newspapers and MSM news shows like they are today.
They have been running illegal campaign ads for the Democrats for decades now, but never so obviously as they’be been in the last 5 years, an obviousness that should be easy to prosecute.
In addition to campaign finance violations, there are instances that could rise to the level of treason, certainly insurrection, terrorism, election interference, a whole host of felony crimes, some of which might even be considered capital offenses (such as treason).
Perhaps, if you want peace, you give the cultural means of production a chance to stand down and purge itself of the leftist rot within and replace the perverts, the cowards, the weak, the covetous, with stewarded individuals willing and able to face a competitive world on equal terms with their competitors.
This would still require a few high profile examples to at least send the message that the days of allowing your press to become illegal campaign content marketers for your party are over. The days of willfully inciting violence by deliberate manipulation of plain facts, or outright fabrication of facts, are over.
Should they not take the hint, then prosecute their top leaders, fine their businesses out of existence, seize their assets and sell their cultural means of production to Americans.
This would change the culture of America overnight.
The violent psychological terrorism inflicted on us especially these last 8 years must end, and those behind this assault must be brought to bear, for the good of the whole, the American whole.