Dan Quayle, 52, ended his life in a Canadian hospital with the assistance of the doctors, who gave him a lethal shot to terminate his life. He chose death over continuing to face the rising pain inside of him due to a cancer that could have been treated with chemotherapy. That therapy wasn’t available because, according to Dan’s family, the hospital staff told him there was a “backlog” on chemo treatment.
The state-run healthcare system of Canada could not deliver that free medical care because there was a backlog preventing them from delivering timely treatment to a man in agony from a treatable illness. Instead, the man was given the option to terminate his own life, over the protests of his family members, in a cost-saving move for the state-run healthcare system that leftists in America are still working to hoist on Americans, the same leftists that overwhelmingly support the same kind of euthanasia laws now burdening Canada with the ever-increasing pall of death culture.
From the National Post:
His family prayed he would change his mind or get an 11th-hour call that the chemo had been scheduled, said his step-daughter Shayleen Griffiths, whose mother, Kathleen Carmichael, had been with Quayle for 16 years. As the weeks dragged on in hospital, Carmichael kept pressing for answers on when chemo would be scheduled.
“There was never a timeline on that,” said Griffiths, who lives in Victoria. “Their exact words were, ‘We’re backlogged.’”
Even as they are still grieving Quayle’s death and planning his celebration of life, the family felt compelled to speak out about his inadequate care, following the stories of two Vancouver Island women who went public with their decisions to seek treatment in the U.S. to avoid delays in B.C. “I think I could still have my Dan if he had gotten treatment sooner,” Carmichael said.
The cult of death begins with embracing abortion of the unborn, then extends to the recently born, then extends to adults, especially those near the end of life who are costing the state more than they’re giving. George Bernard Shaw, the far-left playwright from the 20th Century, wanted people to “justify” their continued profitability to society to continue to be “allowed” to live. It seems Canada is not far way from that dystopian fantasy.
This quote by the genocidal maniac, George Bernard Shaw, echoes the spirit and intent of the far left, whether they be Canadian, or American (which is the party of hate, fear, and fake hope, the DNC-CCP): A part of eugenic politics would finally land us in an extensive use of the lethal chamber. A great many people would have to be put out of existence simply because it wastes other people’s time to look after them.
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