By William Collier, Publisher
The attempted assassination of Donald Trump on top of the brutal illegal lawfare waged against him and the uneven playing field set by every major institution captured and weaponized by Democrats against Republicans, is causing many to question whether this was a lone wolf or something more sinister.
Do I think this assassination was a setup? Possibly, though my working theory at the moment is that some official on the Secret Service detail to Trump hates him and allowed the holes, as opposed to it coming from some cabal of the White House. Accusing the sitting President of such a thing is a very high bar to climb over and I don’t think there is anything approaching evidence to support that.
Nonetheless, the language of hatred, divorce language as my brother Paul calls it, being used by every major corporation, government agency, and the entire infotainment and education industry from top to bottom, against the right has been such one needs no conspiracy to kill, one merely waits for the effects of such language to set off some lone wolf weirdo looking for fame.
At least 30% of the country so hates the right and thinks that they are all Nazis that they would endorse violence against them, in my estimation based on various polls on political attitudes. The people who call the shots in every major institution, in the Democratic Party, in the infotainment and education industry, and even the courts and law enforcement, are all guilty as charged in terms of fomenting this kind of thing. This unofficial, unorganized, cabal of ruling class establishment types who despise any opposition to their plans for a global corpostate regimen of some kind are happy to see their opponents harmed in political violence which they foment but can deny having a hand in.
President Biden, for instance, repeated the claim Trump said if he doesn’t win there will be a bloodbath, as if he is threatening violence, when it’s clear he used a common term and was talking about the bloodbath in the auto industry if the Chinese remain unchecked to flood our market with their cheap cars. By stating this lie, Biden continues to stoke the flames and one cannot escape the conclusion this has an intended aim: to moment more political violence while denying their responsibility for it through a claim their fingerprints aren’t on it.
A typical argument people use when one side resorts to cancel culture, lawfare, and inciting violence is to say they can’t stand on their record or their ideas, so they try to win be default, through creating an unfair playing field in which their political opponents have all the disadvantages built in before any election campaign begins, let alone the elections themselves. While it would be wrong to say the Democratic Party gad a monopoly on such things, it remains a fact that this strategy of invalidating and unlawfully disqualifying or otherwise suppressing their opponents and their supporters is the go-to strategy for the Democratic Party. In fact, lawfare and inciting violence are at present the main thrust of the Democratic Party’s war on freedom and drove to absolute power.
Biden’s ongoing repetition of lies meant to paint Trump and Republicans as Hitler and thus incite violence against them with this hyperbolic exaggeration of policy disagreements belies any claim the Democratic Party and this Administration bear no guilt here. They didn’t, we think, literally plan this but when gapes in coverage were apparent they did nothing and when this young man decided he wanted to seek fame and prove what a good shot he is, he chose a “hated” person who, morally, according to the false caricature presented by Biden et al, deserved this.
After a review of the videos from the scene, it is clear someone in charge wasn’t interested in stopping this assassination attempt before it got started. Nobody in authority got on the mic to call for removing Trump due to the threat, and we have video of the would-be assassin crawling into position. He probably was rushed, but he is free to take him as they film him and try to get the attention of law enforcement.
It is impossible at this time to conclude this gap of coverage and the non response to a threat, the killer was seen on site for 26 minutes before the shooting and the team meant to provide overwatch was inside the building he was on, was not intentional by someone. We need to know who had the ball, as they say in aircraft carriers, to call the shots in response to this threat: that person deserves to be investigated for possibly intentionally letting the former President remain unnecessarily in danger.
This is not a conspiracy theory. There is AMPLE and overwhelming evidence this threat was known, seen, reported, and even video taped on phones prior to the act and during the act. We literally have video of people yelling and of law enforcement not responding at all, not one bit!
Some will protest against impugning the “men and women in law enforcement”, but the truth is the truth and the truth is we cannot afford to not ask such a question and to run a thorough investigation to prove or disprove that theory, unless of course we want to see more of this happening in the future.
We also cannot discount and must point out the way the Biden administration has been promoting conspiracy theories on par with the blood libel used against the Jews, who a sizeable plurality of the Democratic Party’s base absolutely hate, and their divorce language is indeed beyond the pale and part of the blame for what happened.
Thus Biden et al foment hatred with lies and over the top exaggerations, all while impugning motive and intent grossly, and Biden staffers on the Secret Service detail who likely hate Trump and believe he is Hitler think it is their patriotic duty to let this all unfold.
Is this true?
We don’t know and all who might fall under suspicion here are innocent until proven guilty. We do know what we can see.
We can see the lies and exaggerations and how the Democrats daily vilify Republicans and try to incite violence against them. We can see that all the institutions captured by the left do the same, every day, even to the point we have indoctrinated political hacks infiltrating schools and colleges not to teach but to corrupt and ultimately abuse their charges and turn them into wokesters, cancel culture extremists, and antichristian freedom haters.
We can see how this shooter was spotted and reported, indeed a local cop climbs up the ladder and retreats without calling this in and saying, “move the President now!” We can see how this was not covered, how the overwatch team was relegated to inside the building and how evidently they couldn’t hear the crowd outside telling there is an armed man on the roof!
It is not disputed that these videos are real. What they show is that no level of incompetence can answer the question, “why was Trump’s security cordon so seriously compromised and why did law enforcement ignore the people pointing out a clearly visible bad guy with a gun crawling on the roof and not warn the President to duck for cover?”
We cannot afford to give the benefit of the doubt to investigating this crime and to consider the very real probability that this was the result not just of a lone wolf but a systemic bigotry and blood libel heaped on Republicans and that this led some official on charge to compromise the security cordon and ignore the threat the same way we now believe the Nazis did with the insane Dutch communist who wanted to burn down the Reichstag.
This by no means should be read as saying the people in charge of either that whole detail or just that location within the security cordon are guilty of knowingly trying to support an assassination attempt by getting out of the way. It should be read as we must take this as a real possibility and seriously investigate it from that line of thought. Additionally, it should be read as a rebuke to Biden and his persistent divorce language, based on lies and exaggerations.
We must expunge the rot in this country where an ideology of violence and despotism has captured a major political party and every major institution. This rot of authoritarianism and depravity must be addressed with courage and determination, while not allowing ourselves to do that which we oppose, namely divorce talk, fomenting political violence, lawfare, corruption, and the such.
The assassination attempt was the primary responsibility of the attacker, who is now in hell forever as he deserves to be. Guilt mostly lies with him. Second, we have every reason to believe we must investigate a very real possibility that an official allowed this to unfold deliberately because they hate Donald Trump and have had that irrational hatred and fear of “Trumphitler” drilled into them by Biden, the entire Democratic Party machine, and every major institution captured by a godless, hateful, totalitarian ideology that has also captured most of the Democratic Party leadership.
Biden is responsible broadly for the climate of violence and fear, the irrational hatred, and the continued use of lies and exaggerations to delegitimize anyone who isn’t a neo-communist woke alt-gendered antichristian anti-white bigot willing live an atomized life as an a-gendered, isolated, non-differentiated cog in the corpostate machinery as a slave. Biden elevates the worse in us, including child molestation under the trans banner, to destroy the fabric of our civilization and transform us into a totalitarian corpostate that is a province within a global empire run by a few dozen shot callers at the top.
To be clear, I am speaking of the elemental, innermost, core essentials which underlie the Democratic Party platform, although I doubt Biden et al seriously think they will get or even want a dictatorship. They are shallow and following the agit-prop surface virtue-signals of a deeper agenda of which they may have little real awareness. In this case, I am describing the probable outcomes of the Democratic Party platform if everything they want was made law and policy and was enforced strictly.
When you come from a place of arrogance, despotism, depravity (especially sexual in this culture), and bigotry against whole demographic groups in your own country, the fruits are always bad even of your followers are merely supporting your surface things, wanting to have your utopian promises, or seeking to avoid the boogeyman fears you have inspired in them.
Elements of all these things can always be found in every movement, avoiding them and trying to purge them has been a major problem for every movement forever. But, while we can point to some Republicans being the same way, by the by most Republicans in office now, as opposed to before 2010, are not willing to tolerate such “otherfication”, not even of Biden et al! Trump calls Biden incompetent for his actions and foolish in his policies, he doesn’t call him Hitler or a “threat to democracy”, code for dictatorship and Nazism.
The fact we are a Union of free and constitutional republics wherein most people are relatively autonomous in their free associations and communities and not a unitary democracy as a dictatorship of the majority of votes counted has not been lost on the left: they are in rebellion in trying to transform America into an authoritarian faux democracy akin to the USSR, albeit not exactly as Democrats are not actively Marxist.
The so-called ‘stakeholder capitalism’ of the WEF is a weird corporate-state partnership of the topmost shot-callers in government and business/finance who desire quite literally to rule the world and every institution in every country according to their vision of a single worldwide regimen, not necessarily a one-world government but essentially that in de facto power. This is just feudalism for the 21st century, nothing more, dressed up in terms like equity, inclusion, climate change, and the such to lull the masses into uncritical acceptance. It is neo-communist because it does ultimately involve a more planned economy than we have now, under the guise of climate change fears, because it is anti-capitalist*, and because its imposition is ultimately by force.
(*Most people do not understand what capitalism is and think it is profit over people, it is not, it is an economic system using capital as a means of assigning ownership to engage in a free market that ultimately has as its aim the elimination of poverty.
Neocommunism is not the same as classical communism, it uses the corporate world and extols fat cats as heroes of their movement, it is a partnership between corporate behemoths run by the few, the topmost bureaucracy in the administrative state who think they should run the show as unelected technocrats, and elected politicians who want that cozy sinecure with all its benefits and who will sell their vote to the corpostate machinery for a pittance.
Democrats are neo-communist foot soldiers for the corpostate establishment, and some Republicans are as well, and all these groups within the whole corpostate umbrella, left and right, wanted Trump gone in the worse possible way simply because a win by him slows or even stops them. They fear what he will do if he wins and are willing to risk a conflagration that destroys the world rather than allow him a fair chance on an even playing field. Their rhetoric and lies, their ongoing lawfare to be able to say Trump is a felon after that illegal kangaroo trial, all show they wanted this and continue to want this, so why when a chump with a gun shows up on a weird mission to prove he is a real marksman would they stop it I’d they alone were in the way?
It may be too soon to accuse a specific person of standing aside and thereby being complicit through intentional negligence, but it is something we must investigate using that ad our operating theory, which must be proven or disproven to the general satisfaction of the honest world. It is definitely not near a point of accusing Biden or the Democrats of planning this, but it is obviously clear and well-known they are invoking divorce language and are culpable in terms of fomenting the violence we are seeing carried out. No serious person thinks Biden doesn’t want to end Trump, his illegal lawfare against him makes that obvious, and his Party’s inability to use reason, rational thinking, or truth on a level playing field with his opponents in a civil manner proves they have little choice but to engage in “undemocratic” and illegal actions to throttle the opposition and cheat to win.
Democrats aren’t Hitler or Stalin and most sincerely do not want or believe their policies would result in a dictatorship. They are convinced by their own propaganda so hard that they think their extraordinary illegal actions and fomenting violence then standing aside to let some lone wolf try to kill a Republican is justified because Republicans are so evil.
Call it arrogance, hubris, or stupidity, but the Biden administration, the Democratic Party, and almost every major corporation and public institution, the entire infotainment and education industry, are captured by World Economic Forum types and their wacko global neo-communist feudalism, this depraved authoritarian ideology based on a fever dream of world dominion by a few dozen shot-callers at the top.
Elimination of one’s political opponents by smearing them into being hated, lawfare aimed at hobbling them, control of the discourse through official and corporate controls over the means of communication and networking, control over the press rooms through antichristian and anti-Republican bigotry, and, yes, fomenting political violence are all signs the Democratic Party is not an American political party but a globalist neo-communist party run by and for the topmost shot-callers on the planet, many of whom are not Americans.
Did Biden order the hit on Trump?
He didn’t have to. All he has to do is appoint people who hate Republicans as much as he does on their protection details and continue to demonize the Republicans until some unhinged idiot seeking fame ceases an opening and opens fire. Thus, the ultimate blame for this, and for the murder of an innocent man and the serious harm done to two other people, cannot but be laid on the corpostate establishment, of which Biden is their puppet and the Democrats their minions.