TRANSHUMANISM IS SATANIC AND IT IS MEANT TO JUSTIFY THE GENOCIDE OF CHRISTIANS: but modern transgenderism has become the front porch to transhumanism!
Transhumanism is the notion humans can change their natures and everything about themselves at will, using technology, until what emerges is something new, intentional, and willful which has no obedience to God or nature but which sees itself as God.
What we call the trans movement focuses on gender and sex, but the result is asexuality (people who transition cannot enjoy sex) and sterilization coupled with a lifelong health crisis resulting in early death.
Men are not women, women are not men. Period. You are born one or the other, deal with it, and if you want to pretend otherwise then you are being a traitor to your true nature and betraying your true self. God defines your true self, not you.
But as dramatic as this sounds, this is just the gateway drug to transhumanism which ultimately foresees and plans the extinction of the human race in favor of AI systems which have had the knowledge of humanity transferred into themselves. The modern form of transgenderism is a gateway to transhumanism which is a Satanic plot followed by our leaders, many unwittingly, to exterminate humanity, but first the Christians must go.
It’s time to for people infected with this very bad idea to end the trans fraud, which is transhumanism, which is merely a device of totalitarianism. People who are trans are betraying themselves and their Creator and the consequences will be eternal separation from their Creator, which is a never-ending death that is too horrible to describe.
You don’t agree? Fine. Do what you want in your private life.
You demand I go along with your fiction? Not on your life. I serve God, not your altrainbow totalitarianism. You follow doctrines of devils and to hell with them you will go if you do not repent and turn around.
The whole bit about pronouns used to just be if someone wants to be called something then you call them that and it doesn’t mean you approve or have to approve. Now it is like the Hitler salute, it is used to identify dissenters and marl them for persecution: in more and more spaces if you fail to use pronouns you will lose your job which, while unconstitutional, our corrupt courts have yet to put a halt to.
It is for this reason we should stop using preferred pronouns because it’s like being offered meat that was first offered to idols. If we are offered meat that was offered to idols and know it we can still eat it, that’s not us endorsing the idol worship. But when the person giving us the meat makes a big show of how it was offered to idols, which becomes a litmus test to see where you stand, then for their sake we do not eat.
When people asked before to use a different pronoun the police thing is to use them knowing that doesn’t mean you endorse the ideas behind them. Now as this had become a litmus test for them, for the people making a demand to use their pronouns, then, for their sake and for conscience sake, we must refuse. The litmus test status of this demand must be pushed back against regardless of the consequences.
Also, those who would say that being canceled and losing their income would hurt their children, sadly this is not an excuse for being the knee to idols, or to doctrines of devils. If you bow and everyone else bows your children will most assuredly be worse off than if they starved, but if you obey God chances are good your children will be just fine, barring martyrdom, which Jesus Himself predicted we could face!
The consequences to Christians for defying the trans ideology pushed by government, every major corporation, and most every institution in this country can be absolutely horrible, we will be persecuted and killed over this Haman-like strategy from the devil to make us execrable to people who are themselves execrable to God.
Again, remember, it’s not about a man being able to claim he has become a woman because gender is a social construct and all that, it’s actually about transhumanism and this is just the introduction but also the means by which humanity can be sterilized. No, the end of the road for modern transgenderism is transhumanism.
The person who wants to change gender, because they think their true gender is different from their body parts and chromosomes, is not aware of this or consciously part of this. They are just trying to find their authentic selves and do not realize there are better paths or that they are betraying their authentic self by rebelling against Creation.
When we try and unmake God’s Creation, indeed when we try to make a god in our own perverted image as those abdominal heretical reprobate who call themselves progressive christians do, then we become execrable to God, we figuratively make ourselves no better than piles of rotten human feces. Don’t take that too far!
We cannot ourselves see a trans person as a pile of human feces, they are human beings and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of the fact we think and know that they are not pleasing to God. We are not God! But when any of us defy God’s laws we need to realize that we make ourselves execrable to Heaven itself. Nonetheless we are on a rescue mission to reach and save the execrable because without Christ we are no better than anyone else!
While most of us would not want to ban trans people and we believe we must treat them with human dignity and respect their rights, because ultimately God alone will judge them even if we happen to know what that judgement will be, you can be sure as a Christian that the insatiable totalitarian reprobates who rule this land today will not tolerate your non-approval of their ideology and practices.
Trans is merely a Satanic ploy to murder Christians and exterminate Christianity from this earth. While this coming war against the People of God may cost many lives, and I fully expect them to want to kill me, they will never win and their fate, unless they repent, will be a thousand times a thousand million times worse than what they wished upon God’s People.
Transhumanism Satanic. It is evil. It is vile. Transgenderism is merely the front porch to transhumanism, and where transgenderism is strictly a private matter not imposed on society, as for instance Biden repealing Title IX and removing sex as a biological construct, it is not the pure evil to society that transhumanism is. But today’s version of being trans is impositional and totalitarian and cannot be separated from transhumanism.