President Donald Trump posted an MSNBC article that attacked Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) for not pushing the Covid-19 vaccine enough and not shutting down Florida for longer than he did. The share has baffled some Trump supporters while others seem willing to tolerate the flaws of a man they otherwise find themselves aligned with.
This writer does not support Donald Trump, but I’m also not afraid of Trump becoming re-elected. If the choice is Trump or Biden, there’s no question as to who I would hope to win. I view Trump as being a man of questionable character that does not align with my Christian values, so I cannot bring myself to vote for him, but I also can’t help but hope he wins if he’s running against Biden.
The lawfare assault on Donald Trump is something we continue to extensively cover. In the next issue of FIA monthly, we will be publishing an in-depth report of all the lawfare indictments of the former President. Trump is right when he says the DNC-CCP target isn’t him, it’s the American people.
The Republican Presidential field is, in this writer’s opinion, troubling across the board, as there is no candidate that is not without significant flaws that cause me to question their true commitment to live by American republican standards. There is no clear alternative to Trump.
It is important, I believe, for Americans to look at Donald Trump honestly, as a flawed man with a demonstrated low character who seems to support the plandemic in a bigly way and has a spotty track record regarding the second Amendment. He supported the bump stock ban and the no-fly no-buy proposal that would ban people on the no-fly list from owning guns.
I believe he represents a faction of billionaire elites who have played along with America following the China model (a mixed economy that preserves the authoritarianism of socialism and the worst exploitive nature of capitalism without virtue) and now have hedged their bets, seeing the problems with the China model (that it was built on unfair market advantages and by leveraging growing debt that gamed the system with false numbers).
Now, they’re ready to turn back to the American model, but not nearly as fully as this writer would like to see. They’ll still be weak in standing against abortion, which defies our founding American principle of every life being sacred. They’ll support the next plandemic. They’ll support some form of gun control laws. Still, Americans can certainly more fully live lives as Americans if this faction wins then if the DNC-CCP continues to consolidate and retain power over these lands.
Within that environment, the republic has a much better chance of being fully restored than under the DNC-CCP’s billionaire faction, but let us not make more of Trump than what he is, let us now consider him the only man who can save America. No single person can do that. What can save America is American defiance in the face of tyranny, and that tyranny sometimes will come from Trump if he is re-elected.
6 thoughts on “Trump Doubles Down on Supporting Covid-19 Lockdowns and Vaccines”