As of 4pm EST, 4/28/2024, the Port of Baltimore has been partially reopened to commercial traffic. This comes as recovery and clearing efforts continue, following the fatal crash of the container ship MV Dali, on March 26 of this year. At present, only smaller commercial transport ships can exit via the port’s main channel, under escort from tug boats. This also indicates that the US Navy and Department of Transportation’s four Ready Reserve Fleet vessels that have been trapped in port since the accident can now also exit the channel, if needed, as their 35-foot drafts are less than the channel’s minimum clearance.
The MV Dali remains in the position it came to rest in, following its 1:30am EST crash, as the delicate efforts to untangle the vessel from the remnants of the south bridge tower. These efforts are delicate due to the fact that if the recovery is handled improperly, many of the remaining containers – which are the size of a semi-truck trailer – could tumble and collapse over the side, further blocking the traffic channel, and potentially rolling the ship over on its side.
Additionally, the FBI has boarded the ship, opening a criminal investigation, alongside the NTSB’s accident investigation. Conspiracy theories aside, this is being done because the accident claimed the lives of six known workers who were on the bridge at the time of the accident, and were killed when the bridge collapse took them into the water. This is entirely normal in an investigation of this type – the methods that the FBI are reportedly using in this investigation are certainly open to question, and the possibility of a conflict of interest with the NTSB’s own investigation certainly exist.
The FREEDOMIST will stay on top of this story, as it continues to unfold.