Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards:
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Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards:
Find YOUR Louisiana State Legislators:
Can someone tell me if I want to take a Henry big boy with me to rhode Island, can I do that?
Thanks for updates.
Greg Abott hasn’t signed constitutional carry in Texas. I’m worried he’s gonna let it expire on his desk
Hope they get it done and may the governor get crotch rot.
Thank you for your news updates.
You REALLY need to evac to Tennessee!!!
Great news
I live here in Louisiana and I am and I love to hear the great news that you just gave and I will definitely stay on the governor to not veto this bill
You have 50 likes with 1 view when I was watching, those numbers don't jive!
Everybody and their mums packin round here
We are hearing that he will veto and they will not overturn it even thought they have enough to do so. As usual, they will sell us out for 30 pieces of silver. Hope I am wrong.
Thanks for the info.
Get it done this new guy chip they are trying getting him In that's war for sure
Let Freedom ring!
This is a public comment.
People don't know how much guns are there in upstate New York, their is a undergoing effort to divide new York in too because of that, people are always putting new York in one box, parts of upstate look like West Virginia.
Meanwhile in my state. Summary
Amend The Code Of Laws Of South Carolina, 1976, By Adding Article 9 To Chapter 31, Title 23 So As To Enact The "second Amendment Protection Act", To Exclude From Federal Regulation Any Personal Firearm, Firearm Accessory, Or Ammunition Manufactured Commercially Or Privately And Owned In This State, To Provide As Long As Any Personal Firearm, Firearm Accessory, Or Ammunition Remains Within The Borders Of This State, It Is Not Subject To Any Federal Law, Regulation, Or Authority, To Prevent Any Federal Agent Or Contracted Employee, Any State Employee, Or Any Local Authority From Enforcing Any Federal Regulation Or Law Governing Any Personal Firearm, Firearm Accessory, Or Ammunition Manufactured Commercially Or Privately And Owned In This State, As Long As It Remains Within This State, To Prohibit The Arrest Or Detention Prior To A Trial For A Violation Of This Article, To Provide The Attorney General May Seek Injunctive Relief In Court To Enjoin Certain Federal Officials From Enforcing Federal Law Regarding A Firearm, A Firearm Accessory, Or Ammunition That Is Manufactured Commercially Or Privately And Owned In This State And Remains Within The Borders Of This State.
There's more of us than there are of them.
The Constitution means more to is than it does to them.
I need to move. As much as I want to stay in New York State & help fight. I need to be able to own a firearm.
Now we can find out if Bell Edwards is a communist.
Signed that bill make it a law do something to protect the people all this legislation you people been putting out against guns and all that have done nothing but gotten worst stop killing Americans