Since November 18th of 2024, residents in most parts of the state of New Jersey and parts of Greater New York City have been terrorized by an increasing number of mass sightings of what have been variously described as either UFO’s or drones which are reportedly, “the size of SUV’s“. The issue is so bad, some people are actually calling for Elon Musk to do something about it (what, exactly, Musk would be expected to do on his own, no one is quite clear).
Naturally, people in the vicinity are increasingly terrified, as not only do they not know what is happening, it appears to all intents and purposes that the United States government, and specifically its law enforcement and regulatory agencies, as well as the armed forces, apparently not only have no idea what these are, either, nor who is even responsible for addressing the flights.
Despite repeated assurances that the drones – or whatever they are – “pose no apparent threat” to national security or American citizens (despite reportedly flying over a number of military installations in New Jersey), the general public, including major-network news presenters who live in the area, are flatly not buying the official story, and are loudly demanding action.
These calls have become much more serious in the wake of statements made on December 11 by New Jersey Congressional Representative Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ, 2nd District) to FOX News commentator Harris Faulkner that the drones were operating from an “Iranian mothership” operating off the coast, and that the drones needed to be shot down.
There are multiple weird things going on, here – what is actually happening?
The main issue is not so much that “mystery” drones are operating in US airspace, as that has been going on since at least late-2023 (and no, we’re not talking about the balloons), but that no one in the government seems to know what is going on, nor who is responsible for even initiating action…and this, some twenty-three years after 9/11.
All kinds of theories have been put forward, from extraterrestrial aliens doing extraterrestrial alien things, to the Russians, the Iranians or the Chinese. The US government is publicly unconcerned, assuring people that there is no danger from the drones, even though they claim that they have no idea where the drones are coming from, nor who is operating them.
One feature that seems to be a major point of focus, concerns the size of the drones, as they are frequently described as being “the size of an SUV”. This naturally alarms people, given the media’s obsession with miniature drones being used in combat from the Middle East to the Ukraine. However, the mainstream media once again has failed its consumers in never presenting a coherent narrative. In this case, it is the fact that “SUV-sized” drone aircraft have been around for a long time, almost since the advent of ‘heavier than air flight’ began some 120 years ago. In this specific case, we are talking about the “QH-50 DASH“, in the image below.

The DASH was a remotely piloted (RPV) anti-submarine helicopter designed in the late-1950’s, and deployed to the Navy beginning in 1963. It had a combat radius of about 70 nautical miles (c.80 miles on land), and could carry a payload of around 900 pounds. That translates into a lot of explosive ordnance, if someone wanted to load them with such.
Now, we are not implying that someone is flying QH-50’s over New Jersey; however, the DASH is a sixty-five year old design, and there have been more than a few technological improvements since then.
Likewise, there is little to be gained by a foreign power in conducting surveillance flights of this type over US territory – the risk versus return ratio is just not workable, especially given the notoriously poor security at many installations in the US. Such operations are an open invitation to legitimate military action, which would turn the United States into the victim, something none of the country’s adversaries want.
So – What, then, is happening over New Jersey, and which is now apparently spreading from New York, south all the way to Maryland?
Really, there are only three options:
- The drones are some sort of extraterrestrial craft – i.e., “little green men” – flying around, scaring the bejeesus out of people, and the government is clamming up, to try and keep the public from full-scale, panicked hysteria…which isn’t working.
- These are drones from some hostile/adversary nation, flying from some kind of “mothership” operating offshore. If this is the case, the US government as a whole have revealed themselves to be utterly and completely incompetent, and totally incapable of protecting the nation, in spite of twenty-three or so years of obscene amounts of money being spent on “defense”, after the largest and deadliest terror attack in US history.
- That these drones are being flown by an agency of the US government.
…And increasingly, it may be that last option which may be true.
Within the US defense and intelligence budgetary offices, there is a phenomenon known as the “Special Access Program” (SAP). These “black budget” operations are never reported to Congress in any open session, and only rarely under certain circumstances (the “Unacknowledged Special Access Program“, or “U-SAP“) to those members of Congress with a direct “need to know”.
The rationale behind this option is that the failings being exposed by the US government response to these incursions did not happen overnight. Filings of this magnitude only develop over long stretches of time. There is a chance – admittedly, a long chance – that certain parties inside the US defense and/or intelligence communities have become disgusted at these fundamental security failures by the “above-ground” government, in spite of their constant – if secret – demands for reform, and have decided to force the issue, as the Biden-Harris administration is on the way out…
…At least, that is the “best case” situation, because the first two options are infinitely worse than #3.