The Taliban government of Afghanistan let the world know that Huawei, China’s CCP-owned digital telecommunications company, is installing a comprehensive surveillance network across the country in the style of the one built in the province of Xinxiang, the home of the ethnic group the Uyghurs, which are being exterminated by the CCP even as we speak.
The Taliban released a series of posts which were later deleted (probably at the behest of the CCP) as they exposed the brutality of the CCP and its CCP-controlled company in aiding an Islamo-Fascist regime in murdering dissenters, conveniently called “terrorists,” a phrase the Chinese government also uses to describe resistance to the brutal regime that the Taliban represent.
Given the nature of China’s regime, it is no surprise the two fascist regimes find such camaraderie with one another.
Bloomberg News claims to have an inside source on what went down with this agreement, stating in their report, Representatives of the Shenzhen-headquartered tech company met with Interior Ministry officials on Aug. 14, the person said, and a verbal agreement was reached regarding the contract. The Interior Ministry initially posted images and details of the meeting on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. In one post, spokesman Mufti Abdul Mateen Qani said the advanced camera system was being considered “in every province of Afghanistan.”
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