The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbot (R-TX) has served notice to the Supreme Court that the Constitution of the United States trumps their rulings when their rulings so blatantly violate the constitution. The issue emerged when SCOTUS ruled 5-4 to allow the temporary injunction on the Feds’ efforts to remove border barriers to be reversed in reflection with a lower court ruling.
Abbot has fired back, citing Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3, which gives states the right to defend their territory in time of invasion when the Feds fail to meet their constitutional obligation, as Abbot alleges the Feds have done by allowing the planvasion of millions of illegal aliens across Texas borders.
So far, the response from the left is to send out one of their most virulent, bigoted spokespersons out to call for the Biden administration to attempt to federalize the National Guard. Meanwhile, one state, so far, Oklahoma, has come out to support Texas.
Perhaps the most telling part of what is likely to become an historically significant document to American history, should we survive this constitutional crisis that has been brought on by a rogue party that has been coopted by anti-American revolutionaries, is the first line of Governor Abbot’s letter: “The federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the States.”
This clause here is a de facto statement that the federal government, under the Biden administration, has gone rogue, is no longer honoring the social contract between Federal power and the 50 sovereign states.
While this letter concentrates on the Feds’ Planvasion as evidence of the violation of the compact, the social contract that gives government its right to rule in the first place, this letter opens up a can of worms for other states, including Texas, to pursue other claims of compact agreement violations with the states across multiple fronts, including efforts by the DNC-CCP to strip us of our right to bear arms (through “common-sense” gun control laws) and our right to free speech (through “common-sense” hate speech control).
The Democratic Party’s own policies and platform openly reject America’s rule of law, constantly denying the right of the individual to define and pursue their own version of happiness, which must include a right to be “wrong,” especially publicly, lest the compact be broken and no civic government at any level has any good reason to recognize the authority of a Federal government that is openly pushing for policies in direct violation of the agreement that makes our Union possible in the first place.
They push DEI, which is racism and bigotry aimed at heteronormativity, binary sexuality, and “whiteness,” all in the name of destroying the mythological white devil, who invented evil, and therefore it and everything it created, including this republic, must be destroyed lest the white devil murder us all.
This is an unhinged conspiracy theory that is seditious at its heart, aimed at justifying the creation of a de facto homosexual, non-white, non-binary theology of hate, fear, and fake hope that DEMANDS the end of the right to free speech and the right to bear arms to assure its imposition on a species, the human species, that is fundamentally wired in opposition to its very designs.
This is the Democratic Party.
Governor Abbot’s declaration of dependence on the Constitution as the final and only true ruler in our lands is the first step towards challenging the very legal legitimacy of a party, the Democratic Party, that wildly opposes the very republic it now controls, through the state mechanisms it has infested and the corporate ones it has laid waste to.
The next step from Texas, and those states not controlled by DNC-CCP anti-American revolutionaries, is to declare the Democratic Party a terrorist organization, a seditious foreign invader, and remove all Democrats from all government offices, immediately. You can bet the house on this; the Democrats are already preparing to do the same to the GOP.
For we Christians, it is not our place to advocate for, let alone use, violence as a means of throwing off the shackles of oppression, unless we are part of a civic government that has the authority to do so (as Texas and the other states already do, should they choose to use it).
Where the civic fails to challenge tyranny from within, we as Christians must assume this tyranny is a righteous judgment from God. David, when Saul wanted to kill him, did not sit by idly and let Saul kill him. He fled, along with his supporters, and essentially functioned like their own mobile government. Yet when David had an opportunity to kill Saul (twice), he refused to kill God’s anointed. Biden is anointed to be President so it is civic authority that must remove him, not citizens with no civic authority to do so.
This writer prays the civic authorities empowered by our Constitution to defy the breech of contract this Federal government has made under this rogue regime do their constitutional duties and rightly recognize what the Democratic Party has become, a vehicle of power for people, foreign and domestic, who wish to destroy our republic and replace it with tyrannical governments who no longer recognize the right of the individual to define and pursue their own happiness, publicly and privately.
The DNC-CCP must be destroyed, but it is only the civic authorities that can do so. For the rest of us, we repent of our sins and call on the Lord to deliver us from our oppressors, for only He and He alone can deliver us from a judgment, the Democratic Party, we brought on ourselves by rejecting God as a nation. If it is our lot to suffer in civil disobedience against an anti-Christ authority, then we do so with love and gratitude that our God chose us to live closer to Christ’s way, who suffered and died for us while we were still enemies of God ourselves.