By Bill Collier Jr- More on why I MUST decrease and ultimately cease “civilian” use of Facebook, a poorly governed and moderated platform, run like a Neo-Soviet alt-gendered totalitarian dystopian insane asylum by unmanageable dumb bots!!!
(This is part of a 60-day phased drawdown of my “civilian” presence on Facebook.)
For more of my content, follow @freedomregent@freedomregent on Twitter now.
Here is a sample:
“An independent, self-sufficient financial, social, and healthcare structure based on manifesting the Kingdom of God among us (God’s laws) is essential to surviving the coming pre-planned upheavals that ‘justify’ totalitarianism. #upadaria #freedom #prosperity”
Facebook Was Built By and For Leftist Freedom Takers
Facebook, as moderated now (by leftist-programmed dumb bots) is insufficient to the task of promoting and providing for rational, civil, and equitable discourse that is fair, free, and inclusive.
A stated desire to stop hate speech, misinformation, harassment and bullying, and other activities and content deemed by leftists to somehow be a threat to their totalitarian version of Neo-Soviet “democracy” has led to coding into this very platform the seeds of its demise. Inefficiency and corruption are the heart of the problem when it comes to the Neo-Soviet top-down and authoritarian approach always favored by the godless perverts on the left!
Everyone Is Poorly Moderated On Facebook
Nobody, whether they post on politics from the right or left, or not at all, is safe from irrational account restrictions by mindless dumb AI programs (bots) that cannot comprehend basic human communications in their full context. Essentially, the problem began as a leftist attempt to control the public discourse to support their totalitarian aims, but the left, right, and center all suffer from a moderation regimen that can only be described as random, arbitrary, and unfair.
Facebook CANNOT Be A “Digital Commons” for The People
This platform cannot be a digital commons for any real debate on anything because at a root level of its very core essence it is driven every day by totalitarian perverts whose grasp of Creation itself is a fantastical illusion from hell and self-deception based on poorly written doctrines of devils.
Their own coding of the AI moderation program has led to a state where even those whose politics they like often get zapped and restricted for garbage reasons because the bot doesn’t understand language.
We MUST Stop DEPENDENCY Upon The Corpostate’s Platforms
We must seek a better future away from any connection to, much less dependence upon, platforms like this run by a corpostate ruling class who have no conscience and no humanity. That’s NOT easy and creating echo-chambers is not the solution, though specialized niche communities, like the Upadaria platform, can at least provide a digital sanctuary for people of a like-mind to gather and collaborate for mutual benefit!
The Process of Building Alternatives Is Hard, Long-term, and Fraught With False Starts and Trial and Error
The process of denuding these types of platforms of freedom minded people and creating both parallel niche communities (like Upadaria, a mostly social conservative and Judeo-Christian niche community, or Truth Social, a more or less Republican niche community) and more pluralistic platforms (think Gab or our own American Freedomist Network) as a true digital commons will be extremely difficult and it will be fraught with many false starts and failures. Trial and error will typify the response required.
Things LIKE The Upadaria Project Are The Future For Freedom
We propose that the future for MANY who desire true freedom and abundance without compromising their own Christian (or American, Jewish, Conservative, Freedomist, etc) values is UPADARIA. Upadaria is a global project that will result in autonomous local freedom networks connected to an international non-territorial Commonwealth.
We envision the creation of many dozens of outreach and refugee support hubs where freedom seekers, particularly eCitizens of our virtual commonwealth, Peers of our spiritual nation, and Christians (among others!), can find sanctuary and support. We envision autonomous local franchises of the platform, run by local chapters of our spiritual nation’s mutual benefit societies, will build their own physical spaces and clustered living habitations based on what we call the new civilizational paradigm, or “Upadarianism.”
Where To Find My Content As A Freedom Builder
More and more your own only place to find this content will be elsewhere, not on this abomination of a platform that is run as “efficiently”, and inhumanely, as the Soviet evonomy under Stalin.
Note: for those who ask, I still use the platform to reach people who are still here and draw them away to better choices but also to run ads for clients.
I am not deleting my Facebook account, I am phasing out my “civilian” and personal use and continuing my professional use only, over the next almost 60 days.
Some Important Notes
PS; while the “coders”, and their bosses especially, tend to be leftwing totalitarian perverts without any moral conscience whatsoever, their code has created a behemoth-like monster that is just as bad for the left as the right.
Inefficient and unprofessional moderation and governance in general are mostly the result of greed (not wanting to invest in people while profiting from them). A moderation team of 15k mostly underpaid temp workers is easier and cheapet to manage than the 100,000 or so well-paid community governance professionals with over 3 million voluntary user mods needed to run this correctly.